Kamis, 24 Juli 2008

Tea Tree - 3 Amazing Variations of This Venerable Tree

by: Korbin Newlyn

A tee tree, which is also well-known as a ti tree, is commonly used to refer to all related or possibly even unrelated series of trees which grow the leaves that are used to create this species of trees that may or may not contain the leaves from which conventional tea is even derived. 

Nevertheless, they all have been labeled as such due to the fact that, at some point in time, numerous people have utilized leaves of these type of trees for the process of making tea. 

That is to say people as well as groups have taken these leaves from the tea tree and soaked them in water so that they could make a tea like product. Although there are many types that are included in the tea tree classification, for the sake of space, we will discuss three in this article as examples; the leptospermum tree, the kanuka tree, and camelia sinensis, a true tea tree. 


This type of tea tree is situated in New Zealand and is actually more like a shrub then a type of tree. This tea tree can grow very large and is plentiful across the landscape of New Zealand, and because of the little beautiful white flowers it has, tea trees such as these also develop into a beautiful backdrop across much of the landscape. 

Some equate the appearance of a large grouping of kanuka trees to that of a snowy hillside in the winter. Despite the fact that the leaves are quite often utilized for tea making, this type of tea tree in reality only makes an herbal tea product, so technically speaking it is not actually a true tea making tea tree. 


Similar to the kanuka tea tree, the leptospermum more accurately resembles a bush as opposed to an actual tree. Similar to the kanuka, this tea tree is primarily located in New Zealand. However, it is mostly predominant in Australia, and yet just as similar to the kanuka tree, the leptospemum leaves create an herbal tea and not the actual true tea type of white, green, black/red or oolong. In addition to utilizing these tea leaves to make a tea like product, for a very long time natives have used the flowers nectar to create honey. 

Camellia Sinensis 

The camellia sinensis is one of the true tea tree out of which all teas, green, black/red, white and oolong are originally plucked from. It is primarily based on the eventual oxidation process that influences the final product. However nuances in flavor are also very relevant to the area of each camellia sinensis tea tree. This tea tree is indigenous to Asian regions, however today they can be located and are produced all around the world. All that is actually required is a small amount of tropical weather so that camellia sinensis can grow.

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